Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Where the hell have you been??......

...the blogsphere masses scream at me as I walk the streets of Mount Vernon Square (or as I like to call it, LOwer Shaw or as the "let's rewrite the past" crew calls it Convention Center Land).

well if you must know... I was let go from my place of employment a few weeks back, during this time of post and pre employment I spent my time drinking coffee and watching copius amounts of football games (that's soccer to you mouth breathers). SO yeah, I was let go from a job I extremely disliked (wasn't as though as I was upset when I found out on that thursday). SO anyway, before i was let go I was able to line up a couple of interviews,miracously I was hooked up with a company appropriate for my career choice. and a week after i was let go i accepted a position.

So now that I am gone from THE ASSOCIATION, I will attempt to unload some unbelivable but true stories....
Look forward to posts in the future with such titles as:
The Lumberjack
Happy Birthday In Korean
The New Hire is Fucking the Boss
The Death of Sushi or How Momma Killed The Parrott
The Hidden Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Underwear!!!! The Filing Cabinet Horror
High Fives, THE INVENTION!!!
Methadone: The Accountant's Assistant!

Get off the Roads!!!!!! Douchebag Crippled Neocon Drives*

though you might not make it out, that is the douchebag neocon bastard Krauthammer. who I saw driving down L street this evening.

I was sure to manuever my car out of his way to ensure I wasn't sucked into a never ending hell based on lies, lies, lies, either that or a fender bender. A little further down the block I witnessed him run over a group of Palestinian and Iraqi children. Moments later I purposely ran over a hawk,.

*This might be offensive to those who like to wear their panties in a bunch!!!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sad and Disappointed, YET SUPER HAPPY!!!

Numbers point to zero visits in the past few days!!!


I guess crappy posts about a crappy councilman get the hits!!

So here is this!

Jack Evans not only is he a part time councilman, word on the street is he is also a part time lover....::::...::.::.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ninjamonkey3000 commenters are like Jack Evans in a non election year!


SO since no-one voted on which is the better song in my last entry, you will be subjected to videos from The Gladiators in mid 1970's Jamaica.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008


What's the better track off Caribou's Andorra??
Melody Day


She's The One

You Decide!!!
Comments Open NOW!!!!!!!


I started a new blog titled Ha Somente Un Fred!, There Is Only One Fred to the untrained ear. Named in honor of, DC United's midfielder, Helbert Frederico Carreiro da Silva or simply Fred.

Why? you ask?

tO Keep from getting bored maybe, that and I have the time, for now....

So it, Ha Somente Um Fred! won't be all about Fred, but I will hope to cover all things DC United, let's see how it goes.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Gotta Share: The Bar-Kays Soul Finger


About Last Night: The Hall Monitors, PBR and Jack Evans

Journeyed to the Black Cat to catch The Hall Monitors, I also caught the break ups and DAN MELCHIOR UND DAS MENACE. After several pints of PBR I noticed a slightly older dandy at the next bar stool, was I SURPRISED to find that the dandy was none other than the good Georgetown resident Jack Evans. after buying round after round Jack, in a moment of clarity, admitted to me that he is not broken up one bit about all the animosity from his Shaw Serfs......He confided in me that he employs one style of rule, DIVIDE and COnquEr. Made famous by the Brits during their world conquests. Many historians think our current problems in hot spots around the globe are due to the power vaccum created when the brits gave up their colonial rule in the early 20th century..... But anyway, is anyone really surprised? I am not surprised, so please divide and conquer away my friend, divide and conquer...**

Remember to vote!!!!

A vote for Jack Evans is a vote for death and murder, Georgetown style!!!

Ginger, of the Hall Monitors, goes super nova!!!!!!

**most of the above is untrue!!!

Surprise surprise surprise

Evans stays quiet and the neighborhood forgets!!!!


Remember to vote!
Listening to this
and this

as well as this

and of course this

oh yeah don't forget

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Shaw residents go Apeshit, Evans could give a shit....

Ever since Jack Evans, ward 2 councilperson, attended the racist hate group ECCA's monthly meeting, the residents have gone apeshit (for good reason). Listserves and blogs (including THE NINJAMONKEY3000) have called Jack Evans out on his hate enabling.

Our blogging buddy over at Off 7th sent Jack Evans (he wasn't alone many other upset Shaw neighbors sent emails as well)an email asking what actions Jack Evans will take to fix the rift in the neighborhood.......

What Off 7th got back sounded more like a campaign speech than a cure all:
To: xxxxxx; shawneighborhood;
Cc: xxxxxx
Subject: [ShawNeighborhood] RE: So Jack...

Dear Off7th Guy- I have been in the pre-legislative meeting and legislative
meeting since 8:30 this morning which lasted until almost 6pm. I read
your email and emails of other residents regarding the ECCA meeting last
night. As the Ward 2 Councilmember, I have attended each
citizen/civic/ neighborhood and other associations in my Ward at least
one time a year, every year. This month I was the guest speaker at ECCA.
I am also speaking at the following meetings in the month of February:

Kingman Place NW Residents meeting, Dumbarton Condo Association meeting,
James Senior Building meeting, Mt. Vernon Neighborhood Association
Awards Banquet, Blagden Alley Neighborhood Association meeting, and the
Sheridan Kalorama Neighborhood Council, just to name a few.

I saw on an earlier blog someone invited me to attend an upcoming CCCA
meeting and I'd be happy to do so.

As the Councilmember for all residents, I am continuing to work on the
issues in your neighborhood and others in ward 2. In particular, I am
working closely with MPD and other organizations to address the increase
in violence in the Shaw neighborhood. We are also working to increase
economic opportunities. Just today, under my leadership, the Council
voted its final approval for the Convention Center Hotel to be
constructed at Massachusetts Avenue and 9th Streets, NW. We have also
continued discussions with Rhodeside in anticipation of breaking ground
at the O Street Market. Finally, at today's legislative meeting we
passed emergency legislation, the "Home Again Estates at Mt. Vernon
Disposition Emergency Approval Resolution of 2008" to ensure the block
of vacant properties needed to complete the redevelopment of the 1200
block of 4th Street in the Mt. Vernon Square neighborhood is addressed.

All of this follows on the announcement earlier this week that Shaw Jr.
High School will be replaced with a brand new Jr. High school and
community center...a great victory for our neighborhood. Additionally,
we look forward to the construction of the Watha T. Daniels
library...another important accomplishment for the Shaw/Mt. Vernon
Square neighborhoods. Both of these achievements are a step in the right
direction to ensuring our children get a quality education.

I think it is important that we all remain focus on addressing the many
outstanding issues throughout Ward 2.


My favorite is the last line, Jack Evans it is important that we all remain focused on addressing the many outstanding issues of ward 2. But to openly and publicly stroke the biggest divider in ward 2 and shaw in particular is to thumb your nose at the majority of Shaw's residents.

I propose that we, the residents of Ward 2 and Shaw, make sure we kick Jack out of his part time job as councilman and vote for someone who will oppose hate in all its forms and promote inclusion and openness.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Evans Attends Racist Hate Group's Monthly Meeting In Shaw

It appears Evans is shoring up his hate group vote quota by attending yesterday's ECCA.

The ECCA, for those not in the know, is the racist community association whose board was hijacked by the notorious racist, homophobic, rapist and pro-fascist Leroy Thorpe. This is the the same Leroy Thorpe who, through dirty political dealings, was able to hijack our ANC as an unelected parlimentarian and turn our ANC into an inefficient and ineffective local government body......

The ECCA, a community association, lately has taken to barring local residents and community leaders (read ANC commisioners), who do not bow in undulation when in the presence of the second coming of the prophet Mr. Thorpe.

Is this the behavior we want in an elected leader of ward 2?

Again , Jack Evans could give a crap about Shaw!!