Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So, I'm an asshole!!!

So, I harp on subjects that are not as important or relevant to conversations in play.
So, I don't say hello to the demolition guy who woke me from my beauty sleep with the crash boom blam of his backhoe type thingy.
So, I give the dump truck driver, who is parked on a street that doesn't allow trucks with a minimum capacity of 1 and a quarter ton, the stink eye.
So, I bitch and complain without giving real solutions.
So, I shit on people as much as possible. For no reason what so ever.
So, I'm a hypocrite and can't keep my stories straight.
So, I trip the light fantastic.
So, I find guilty pleasure from listening to American Idol in my sleep.
So, I watch you as you walk up my block after you just bought crack from the guy on the corner.
So, I watch you stumble home from a night of HEAVY DRINKING at the local bar/cafe and question (to myself) whether or not you belong in the front yard of the house you are entering. PS I am not your buddy.

Its not like you are any better than I. At least I'm attempting to find my own inner peace,
reality tv show, ultimate cheeseburger.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Phone is broken

Every time I pick it up it automatically dials a colleague. Thank goodness she is only in the office Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Fricken goddamn phones!!!!!!

Just learned there is a possibility of receiving a free ticket to see Antelope (GREAT) at some benefit at the Black Cat. Thanks to DEBBIE from RockandRomp.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ninjamonkey3000 Mix 2

Dogwood Rust - Comets on Fire
Explanation Mark - The Books
track 16 - the Subways
Unity - Operation Ivy
Hark the Umpire - Deerhoof
I'm waiting for my man - Velvet Underground
Soul Desert - Can
Do Dub Up your Fight - King Jammy And Dry & Heavy (Japanese Dub, NO LIE!!!!)
Come Back Now Baby (Your Data's Good) - F Forte
Turtle and the hare, fisticuffs at last/2 - J-Lo-Fi
your love belongs under a rock - the dirtbombs
Dot/Eyes - Tortoise
Worlds Apart - ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Catchfire - The Jesus & Mary Chain
Lock-Groove Lullaby - Stereolab
Sound and Vision - Sea and Cake
Sirènes De La Fête - The Brazilian Girls

The band, the romp and cults!

SO the band played Friday night in front of a room full of people. Over 90 infact....WE did alright, next were with the Hall Monitors, probably the best band in town. Mark your calenders April 28TH or 26th, I can't remember....

Felt WOnderful. Maybe indulged on a few too many beers. Night started at Polly's with Nif, a Smithwick (3 to be exact) and a meh burger.........We made our way to the Velvet, I was nervous as heck. Left Jenn as I paced and attempted to buy a fake mustache off a lesbian in search of some tail! She said the fake stache gave her the pull she needed to get some nookie. The lesbian didn't even stay for our set, well yeah!!! the thought of getting some pussy would do that to me as well!

Spent the day working the door for ROck and Romp, collecting $5 from each adult. Reminded me of my days at Peasants. Cept lOt less drunks. Plenty of stumbling, slurred speech and crying, just not done by the drunks.... Lemon Face, Middle Distance Runner and SOft Complex were the bands that played. Soft COmplex sounded right up my alley, I need to see them again soon.

even worse, Dollar Cult$!!!

gold domes are but lies forthe weak and easily bought!
just cause they can tell a great story doesn't....oh nevermind!!